
Home > three-loader-3dtiles > Runtime

Runtime interface

Runtime methods that can be used once a tileset is loaded


interface Runtime 


Method Description
dispose() Dispose of all of the tileset’s assets in memory.
getCameraFrustum(camera) Get the current camera frustum as mesh planes (for debugging purposes).
getDataAttributions() Get the tileset’s attribution text.
getLatLongHeightFromPosition(Vector3) When viewing a Geo-located tileset, get the GeoCoord value from a world-space Vector3.
getPositionFromLatLongHeight(GeoCoord) When viewing a Geo-located tileset, world-space Vector3 from a GeoCoord.
getStats() Get a reference to the Stats object.
getTileBoxes() Get the tile bounding boxes group when debug: true is set.
getTileset() Get a reference to the Tileset3D object.
getWebMercatorCoord(coord) Get Web-Mercator coordinates from Lat/long
orientToGeocoord(coord) Orient a WGS84 globe to lat/long
overlayGeoJSON(geoJSONMesh, shaderOptions) Overlay a GeoJSON polygon on top of geo-located 3d tiles. Implements a _Draping_ algorithm from
setDebug(boolean) Enable or disable deubg mode.
setElevationRange(range) In point clouds when coloring by PointCloudColoring.Elevation, set the min/max elevation values - Default: [0, 400].
setHideGround(boolean) In point clouds wher the points are classified as Ground, hide the ground level points - Default: false.
setIntensityContrast(number) In point clouds when coloring by PointCloudColoring.Intensity, set the contrast factor. Default: 1.0.
setMaximumScreenSpaceError(number) Set the current maximum screen space error. See LoaderOptions
setMaxIntensity(number) In point clouds when coloring by PointCloudColoring.Intensity, set the max intensity value - Default: 1.0
setPointAlpha(number) In point clouds when, set the alpha value. Default: 1.0.
setPointCloudColoring(PointCloudColoring) In point clouds set the type of coloring used. See PointCloudColoring
setRenderer(renderer) Set the renderer used for shader processsing
setShading(Shading) Set the current shading mode for b3dm tiles. See Shading.
setViewDistanceScale(number) Set the current view distance scale. See LoaderOptions
setViewport(viewport) Set the viewport properties
setWireframe(boolean) Enable or disable wireframe mode.
showTiles(boolean) Show or hide the tile bounding boxes.
update(dt, camera) Update the tileset for rendering.