
Home > three-loader-3dtiles > LoaderOptions

LoaderOptions interface

Advanced loader options


interface LoaderOptions 


Property Modifiers Type Description
basisTranscoderPath?   string (Optional) A path to that contains the basis universal library. e.g: - Default: undefined
cesiumIONToken?   string (Optional) A Cesium ION access token when loading tilesets from Cesium ION.
collectAttributions?   boolean (Optional) Collect tile attribution data (copyright) - Default: true if googleApiKey is set, otherwise false.
contentPostProcess?   (content: Mesh | Points) => void (Optional) A callback for running post-processing on tile content (Mesh or Points) - Default: undefined
debug?   boolean (Optional) Debug mode: Show tile bounding boxes. Make sure to add the boxes to the scene from Runtime.getTileBoxes() - Default: false
dracoDecoderPath?   string (Optional) A path to that contains the draco library. e.g: - Default: undefined
gltfLoader?   GLTFLoader (Optional) Provide an existing three js GLTFLoader so that KTX2 and DRACO workers are reused across the application
googleApiKey?   string (Optional) Google API Key for loading Google Maps 3D Tiles
material?   Material (Optional) Apply a custom material, supports both b3dm (mesh) tiles and Point Cloud tiles - Default: undefined *
maxConcurrency?   number (Optional) Maximum worker thread concurrency when processing DRACO-compressed tiles - Default: 1 worker.
maximumMemoryUsage?   number (Optional) Maximum GPU memory (MB) to use for displaying tiles. May go over the limit if tiles within the camera viewport exceed that ammount - Default: 32.
maximumScreenSpaceError?   number (Optional) determines the distance from tiles in which they are refined, depending on their geometrical size. increase the value to load lower lod tiles from the same view distance (increases performnace) - Default: 16.
maxRequests?   number (Optional) When thorttling requests, how many requests can launch simultaneously - Default: 64
memoryAdjustedScreenSpaceError?   boolean (Optional) Whether to adjust the screen space error to maintain the maximum memory limit - Default true.
memoryCacheOverflow?   number (Optional) The maximum additional memory (in MB) to allow for cache headroom before adjusting the screen spacer error - Default: 1.
pointCloudColoring?   PointCloudColoring (Optional) When viewing Point Cloud tiles, how should the points be colored (PointCloudColoring) - Default: PointCloudColoring.White
pointSize?   number (Optional) Point size for Point Cloud tiles - Default: 1.0
preloadTilesCount?   number (Optional) When using a three.js loading manager, do not call onLoad until this number of tiles were loaded - Default: undefined
resetTransform?   boolean (Optional) Whether to reset the tileset to the origin (0, 0, 0) - Default: false.
shading?   Shading (Optional) When viewing b3dm (mesh) tiles, which type of Shading is used - Default: Shading.FlatTexture
skipLevelOfDetail?   boolean (Optional) _EXPERIMENTAL_: Skip traversal mechanism, not yet supported. Default: false
throttleRequests?   boolean (Optional) Whether to throttle network requests so that tiles got out of the frame before the request launched, would not be requested - Default: true
transparent?   boolean (Optional) Whether to set the material as transparent - Default: false
updateInterval?   number (Optional) Interval in seconds for the traverser to check in an update is needed - Default: 0.1.
updateTransforms?   boolean (Optional) Whether to check if the tileset was transformed, set to true if the model is changes position in runtime - Default: true.
viewDistanceScale?   number (Optional) 0-1 scale for the LOD quality. A lower value loads tiles from lower LODs (increases performance).
wireframe?   boolean (Optional) When viewing b3dm (mesh) tiles, show meshes as wireframe - Default: false.
worker?   boolean (Optional) Whether to use workers when processing DRACO-compressed tiles - Default: true.