
Home > three-story-controls > WheelAdaptorProps

WheelAdaptorProps interface

Properties that can be passed to the WheelAdaptor constructor


export interface WheelAdaptorProps 


Property Type Description
dampingFactor? number (Optional) Only used for continuous adaptor, value between 0 and 1. Defaults to 0.5
debounceDuration? number (Optional) Only used for discrete adaptor, rest duration between firing trigger events. Defaults to 700
domElement? HTMLElement (Optional) DOM element to listen to events on. Defaults to window
thresholdX? number (Optional) Only used for discrete adaptor, threshold of wheel.deltaX to trigger events. Defaults to 15
thresholdY? number (Optional) Only used for discrete adaptor, threshold of wheel.deltaY to trigger events. Defaults to 15
type WheelAdaptorType ‘discrete’ or ‘continuous’