Home > three-story-controls > ScrollControlsProps
Properties that can be passed to the ScrollControls constructor
export interface ScrollControlsProps
Property | Type | Description |
buffer? | number | (Optional) Buffer before and after element to start registering scroll. Number (percentage) between 0 and 1, defaults to 0.1 |
cameraEnd? | string | (Optional) When in the scroll to end the camera animation, can be specified in px, % or vh |
cameraStart? | string | (Optional) When in the scroll to start the camera animation, can be specified in px, % or vh |
dampingFactor? | number | (Optional) Value between 0 and 1. Defaults to 1 |
endOffset? | string | (Optional) Offset to end registering scroll, in px or vh. Default ends when bottom of element is at top of viewport. |
scrollActions | ScrollAction[] | Array of ScrollActions for custom scroll hooks |
scrollElement | HTMLElement | Long DOM Element to observe |
startOffset? | string | (Optional) Offset to start registering scroll, in px or vh. Default starts when top of element is at bottom of viewport. |