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ScrollControlsProps interface

Properties that can be passed to the ScrollControls constructor


export interface ScrollControlsProps 


Property Type Description
buffer? number (Optional) Buffer before and after element to start registering scroll. Number (percentage) between 0 and 1, defaults to 0.1
cameraEnd? string (Optional) When in the scroll to end the camera animation, can be specified in px, % or vh
cameraStart? string (Optional) When in the scroll to start the camera animation, can be specified in px, % or vh
dampingFactor? number (Optional) Value between 0 and 1. Defaults to 1
endOffset? string (Optional) Offset to end registering scroll, in px or vh. Default ends when bottom of element is at top of viewport.
scrollActions ScrollAction[] Array of ScrollActions for custom scroll hooks
scrollElement HTMLElement Long DOM Element to observe
startOffset? string (Optional) Offset to start registering scroll, in px or vh. Default starts when top of element is at bottom of viewport.