Home > three-story-controls > KeyboardAdaptorProps
Properties that can be passed to the KeyboardAdaptor constructor
export interface KeyboardAdaptorProps
Property | Type | Description |
dampingFactor? | number | (Optional) Only used for continuous adaptor, value between 0 and 1. Defaults to 0.5 |
incrementor? | number | (Optional) Only used for continuous adaptor, the amount to increment the target value on each keydown event. Defaults to 1 |
keyMapping? | KeyMapping | (Optional) Default key mapping uses forward/backward/up/down/left/right as semanic labels, with WASD and arrow keys mapped appropriately: |
preventBubbling? | boolean | (Optional) Prevent event bubbling. Defaults to true |
type | KeyboardAdaptorType | ‘discrete’ or ‘continuous’ |