Home > three-story-controls > FreeMovementControlsProps
Properties that can be passed to the FreeMovementControls constructor
export interface FreeMovementControlsProps
Property | Type | Description |
domElement? | HTMLElement | (Optional) |
keyboardDampFactor? | number | (Optional) Damping factor between 0 and 1. Defaults to 0.5 |
keyboardScaleFactor? | number | (Optional) Mutiplier for keyboard translation. Defaults to 0.5 |
panDegreeFactor? | number | (Optional) Mutiplier for panning. Defaults to Math.PI / 4 |
pointerDampFactor? | number | (Optional) Damping factor between 0 and 1. Defaults to 0.3 |
pointerScaleFactor? | number | (Optional) Mutiplier for two-pointer translation. Defaults to 4 |
tiltDegreeFactor? | number | (Optional) Mutiplier for tilting. Defaults to Math.PI / 10 |
wheelDampFactor? | number | (Optional) Damping factor between 0 and 1. Defaults to 0.25 |
wheelScaleFactor? | number | (Optional) Mutiplier for wheel translation. Defaults to 0.05 |