
Home > three-story-controls > Damper

Damper class

Damper uses simple linear damping for a given collection of values. On every call to update, the damper will approach a given set of target values.


export declare class Damper 


const damper = new Damper({
 values: {x: 0, y: 0},
 dampingFactor: 0.4

damper.setTarget({ x: 1, y: 100 })
damper.update() // would generally be called in an animation loop
const values = damper.getCurrentValues() // values.x = 0.4; values.y = 40


Constructor Modifiers Description
(constructor)(props)   Constructs a new instance of the Damper class


Method Modifiers Description
addToTarget(key, value)   Increment/Decrement a specifc damper target value
getCurrentValues()   Get the current values
getDeltaValues()   Get the change in values since the last update call
reachedTarget()   Whether the damper has reached its target
resetAll(value)   Reset all damper values to the fiven number
resetData(values)   Reset damper values as described by the given DamperValues object
setTarget(target)   Set the target values the damper needs to approach
update()   Update the damper, should generally be called on every frame